Friday, May 05, 2006

The Seanez/Tavarez Stench Almost Proves Costly, VERY COSTLY

This one should have been a "sit back and enjoy no worries here" mindless victory, a night off from any stress. Clement pitched a solid if a little wild 6 innings, Foulkie was solid in the 7th, and then there was Seanez, a dark cloud on an otherwise perfect day. 2 runs. And then Julian "Wild Man" Tavarez got up to pitch the 9th, to finish the game and provide a night off for Paps. But noooo. They could not do the job. Paps came in and shut them down, and in doing so almost twisted his back. Scary moment. All the possibilities ran through my head, and I realized there is only ONE possibility with this bullpen. Substitute closer? Keith Foulke. That's it. End of sentence. Sure, we have Mike Timlin, but he's valuable in the set-up role. So right now, the trusted part of our bullpen consists of Timlin, Foulke and Paps. All others suck, to put it in plain english. A problem? BIG TIME. And it will catch up to us at some point in the season. But there is help in the minors. I just hope we don't need 'em yet.
Give the batting star(s) to Mike Lowell and Kevin Youklis. A victory? Great! But it almost cost us big time. Scary.


At 5/05/2006 6:54 AM, Blogger Mansoor Qaisar said...

nice blog...........

At 5/05/2006 10:38 AM, Blogger Peter N said...

Thank you, oh long distance reader.

At 5/05/2006 4:14 PM, Blogger The Couch Potato said...

"Trick-or-Treat" Tavarez has always been unpredictable, so his performance is no big surprise. Seanez, however, has had success elsewhere but both times he's been with the Sox, he has been horrible. Maybe he has some weird allergy to red hose?

At 5/06/2006 7:06 AM, Blogger Peter N said...

Yay, your beautiful dog travelled to MY blog. He's welcome anytime. He can even bring you!


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