4PM Cannot Come Quickly Enough!
Do not trade away what has enabled us to be in first place all these months. What is that, you might ask? DEFENSE. I admit we need a pitcher for the back end of the rotation, and another arm we can count on for set up purposes in the bullpen. But any thoughts of trading Mike Lowell and Mark Loretta is SHEER LUNACY! I'll shout that out to the heavens. To every corner of the globe. Do not break up what has been just about the best infield in baseball, an infield that has saved countless games and too many of our pitchers' psyches to count! Theo, please....DO NOT BE STUPID!!!!!!!
i'll second that but...4pm?? i thought they had till midnight...
Thank goodness the madness chances will expire early!! Please...leave our infield alone. There are other ways to add a pitcher. Thanks Dawn!!!! A voice of reason. Theo is too smart to mess with the best infield in baseball....BAR NONE!
I hope.....................
it's really 4pm?? where does it say that?! everything i've read says midnight...
i would love to exhale sometime soon but i am *terrified* of what they may do to our defense.
it *is* 4pm!! ESPN has been saying midnight!!
I hate this day...hate it.
4pm really can't come soon enough.
4PM is plenty of time for Steve Phillips to claim some credit for what the NY Mets are doing this year.
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