An Arm? Sure...But Do Not Trade Away Those Who Mean The Most
From today's Herald. And then a comment, or three. From me!
" Sox GM Theo Epstein still must step up and deliver a pitcher before Monday’s trading deadline passes. He needs someone to shore up the back end of the rotation. Plain and simple."
Your writer here, your friend, your whatever. And sure. I agree...David Wells is not the "do all end all of our problems" answer. But he sure would be a great thing for our club. So Theo, we DO need help at the rear of the rotation. Please don't trade away the dirt dog guys we know and love. Wily Mo is not an option for the rest of this year in right field. No way. No how. Not defensively. Rudy and Judy? That's another story, to be told at another time. The trading deadline is nipping at our heels. Shredding them, in fact. Let's do the right thing. It might be a different world come Tuesday. I hope it's a world we can live with. And smile.
I agree, if this team wants to make the playoffs we are still one starter and one reliever answer is simple...get a starter and put kyle synder in the bullpen..he is like hansen, really good for a short period
oops i forgot to put my name
Jonathon, with all due respect, I might agree.
I agree with you guys!
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