Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Batting Practice, And Boomer Sooner


After 7, this was a one run ballgame. But then the lights went out for the Oakland A's, as the Red Sox scored 7 times in their last 2 innings to make the final score 13-5. They cracked out 18 hits, their season high. Trot Nixon and Manny Ramirez, subjects of negative press earlier in the week, hit home runs. But it was a single by Manny in the first that raised some eyebrows. Evidently Manny thought the ball would clear the fence for a home run. Thing is, it didn't, and he ended up with a 400 foot single. Did he bring out his home run trot a tad early? Oh yes. But with the offensive tear he's been on, we'll all just fall back on the old Manny being Manny thing, the catch all mean all phrase that defines our quirky but lovable left fielder.
Little Manny was called up in the 7th after Schill went the first 6, and the first 3 batters cracked base hits. It was do or die time, and Delcarmen came through, getting the next 3 quickly. The 8th and 9th were uneventful Tavarez and Seanez frames. How many times have I been able to say that, and be truthful? Not many. But it was then that the Sox put the pedal to the metal and left the dizzy A's in their rear view mirror dust, road kill for a Tuesday night.
It's 3pm baseball today, get away day. And we try for the sweep. And revenge for the 3 of 4 Fenway set of last week. I relish the thought.


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