CLASSIC! Watch This.....
And put your sound on. With thanks to Matty! And I know you have to copy and paste, but boy, IS IT WORTH IT!
And ONE MORE TIME, the Coco catch.
Made you smile, didn't I? Even if you did have to copy 'n paste. That's what I'm here for!
Loved it that You Tube!
& Buckner is still NOT The Culprit!
Thanks for stopping by my MLBlog. Great blog you have.
Thank you, Joe! And Michael, Billy B. was such a CLUTCH hitter that year And now he's not overshadowed by that.........that. P.S. He would have been safe anyways, Mookie, I mean. But I remember that fateful night like it was the day before yesterday, which in decades it was. And I met a wonderful, but soon to be forgotten, young lady that night. And she was from Israel. But the time has gone by, oh so quickly. And we Red Sox fans are STILL smiling. I know we are.
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