Friday, November 24, 2006

Questions On This Friday, Black Friday....

And the black is for the profit and loss statements being configured, literally right now, while I typed this. For the stores and super chain stores that opened early, to a baffling and congested highway system around this country of ours. Black is profit. Red is loss. Nuts are what some of the people, who are fisting and fighting right now, and way earlier, in the pre-dawn hours on this beautiful, after-all-that-rain on Thursday, Friday, seem to be. Yes, read that again. It DOES make sense. I live near a huge mall, and a Walmart, and there were the good guys, the police, standing guard to avert the mayhem of the Sony Playstation opening morning. After all, Connecticut, Putnam to be exact, which is in the northeasternmost part of Connecticut, a snowball's throw from Mass., had the only Playstation 3 shooting in our video starved country.
So.............enjoy this Friday, a day that seems like a Saturday. After a Friday which was really a food-filled Thursday. Loved ones, nieces and nephews, brothers and sisters so loved. And my blog friends. You. Who are always there.
Oh! I almost changed my blog to the new beta type...the home page said I could, but when I tried, it said that my blog isn't quite ready yet for the change. Is it maybe because I use and type and create and live with an Apple?? Any of you who might know more on this, please comment or email, which you can get to through my profile. And thanks. In advance. I can always count on you, my other family. Just as loved. I guess I'm an emotional fool who can sometimes, once in a while, put the words together just right!


At 11/24/2006 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea Peter give I'd love for a link, any idea's on how to get my blog out to more people? I hear ya, big companys rule the world, money, listen to the pink floyd song, still rings true. Anyway yea link me up and help me or let me know how to get my stuff out there to more people. I'm new to the bloging thing.

At 11/24/2006 11:02 AM, Blogger Peter N said...

Link me and I'll link you! That's it. Make mine read Peter's Red Sox Forever. The addy? here...

Let me know when you put mine up...I'll be home all day, and I will put yours up right then! Promise. Email me at
I might do yours right now....P

At 11/24/2006 11:22 AM, Blogger Peter N said...

And I have plenty of me at, after my link is up. There are places where your blog should be listed for the public view. And that equals MORE readers. Eme after my link is up, and hey, today's comments with redsock were so'll soon be so popular. Promise.

At 11/24/2006 11:22 AM, Blogger Peter N said...

And you are now on my link list.....

At 11/24/2006 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok I added you, what sites do I need to be on? This is faster than Email because I don't have the wait time like I do with my email between messages, unless you don't want it showing up on your page...

At 11/24/2006 3:35 PM, Blogger KAYLEE said...

this friday would be more eventful if it wasnt raining here.i dont think i can eat turkey for awhile now

At 11/24/2006 4:08 PM, Blogger KAYLEE said...

but i am having fun making pointless arguments with some blue jays fans that i swear just come on my blog to irritate me.

At 11/24/2006 4:45 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

Irritation is the best form of flattery..they all have crushes on you! Have a great night k.

At 11/24/2006 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

they better be young enough to like her !!!!!!!!!!!

At 11/24/2006 5:05 PM, Blogger KAYLEE said...

haha peter.You never know though.


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