Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Contract-wise, Drew Not Drawn!

And I think that the Red Sox are being smart. $70 million is too much to pay for a healthy Drew, but I was resigned that that figure was necessary. Now with the possible shoulder problem surfacing, I am against this acquisition unless he proves to be 100% healthy after even more extensive tests on ALL parts of his body. Trot is out there, affordable "great defense" Trot, who knows Fenway's rightfield better than any active player in the majors.
I'll be back later this morning with something else sweet and delicious. And thank you for your continuing readership. Back at number one and happy. For how long? Who knows? But the most important thing is that the Red Sox are number one in 2007.


At 12/20/2006 1:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are they IGNORING Edward Trotman NIXON?

J.D. Drew? Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, ouch!

At 12/20/2006 3:42 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

May I add another twenty ouches?????? Has anyone shown interest in the guy who knows Fenway's rightfield BETTER than any active player in baseball?? Our club, at least for the start of '07, would be BETTER with Loretta starting at second and a HEALTHY Trot in right. Let Peds watch, and learn. And JDD...he has to be 143.5% healthy. Borass be damned! Well, he IS anyhow.........

At 12/20/2006 3:44 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

And Trot and Lorretta are ready for the taking. Relatively cheap! Hello THEO??????I know we need a closer, but there is someone's huge wallet in play here, and wouldn't saving $70 million bucks come in handy? Especially for a handicapped guy??????? And yes, right now JDD is just that. HELP!!!!


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