Friday, January 19, 2007

Our Trot Trades His Beloved Red Sox....And We Love Him!

From the Globe blog, today about our rightfielder. And then a bunch of my thoughts. Rightfield will be "Trot's territory." Until someone else makes it his own.

Nixon to Indians

By Steve Silva, Staff

"The original dirt dog is now an Indian.

ESPN's Peter Gammons reported today that former Red Sox right fielder Trot Nixon has agreed to a one-year contract with the Cleveland Indians for $3 million. The Red Sox had elected not to offer salary arbitration to Nixon, a Type B free agent, who was paid $6.5 million last season. Nixon hit .278 in his 10 seasons with the Red Sox and hit 133 home runs while driving in 523 runs.
One of Nixon's biggest hits in a Red Sox uniform was an 11th inning walkoff home run on Oct. 4, 2003 as the Sox beat the Oakland A's 3-1 to avoid elimination in their best-of-five AL playoff series.
"All the home runs you hit in your career in the regular season don't mean much unless you start hitting some in the postseason," said Nixon after the game winner. "This is what you play for."
Nixon, a Fenway fan favorite, was with the Red Sox organization for his entire professional career before becoming a free agent at the end of the 2006 season. He spent the last eight years as Boston's starting right fielder, though he had been plagued with a series of injuries over the last few seasons.
"I am confident I am going to get a job,'' Nixon was quoted as saying in yesterday's Wilmington Star. "I can't have what is going on with free agency consume me.''
"I am confident I will be with a team next year,'' Nixon said. "Where, I don't know. My mom asks, 'How are negotiations going? Are there any negotiations?' I'm like, 'Nothing.'"

Peter here, and we KNEW this would happen while our Red Sox were busy concentrating on Boras(s) and his JD Drew. A mistake? No way I can tell you that. Will Trot be missed? For those out there who are knowlegeable Sox fans, well, you know the answer to that!

BEST OF LUCK, GOOD HEALTH Trot, and I hope that in your first time playing "your rightfield," our crowd will stand, and cheer, and give you what you deserve. I KNOW I will. And during the season, when it will become inevitable that Wily Mo Pena will play in right, try not to laugh as he fumbles and bumbles with all the angles at that "Pesky Pole' corner.

Best of everything. You always will be our true Dirt Dog.


At 1/19/2007 12:28 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

Hi FS ..are you a man of 28 or a 75 year old woman?? We all know who you are, and I'm sick of your negative comments. Are you saying this because you haven't seen Trot patrol Fenway's right, or just to disagee? With your VIRILE husband? I would really love to know...and I'm awaiting your answer, Caring and Sharing. That's you, but I won't give away anything else...promise...just do not be disruptive...I've been nice, and your comments have been great. So.....why say something like that????....if you've seen Trot in right, and compare him with WMP, well, you are mistaken. Enlighten me, 75 year old woman from Aug/29 post right here.. You see, we ALL know who you are....I was being nice, but I've had enough. If you want peace, sssshhhhhh. That's all....take care. I write an honest and nice blog, two traits that so far you do NOT have! Sincerely, Peter N. And we're all (more than you ever would know, and with your location AND everything that you would NOT want known) waiting for you to go elsewhere. Fair enough? And that's the last negativeness that is nice or be gone. And I hear the RSN world in the background. Applauding. Sayin' go Peter.

At 1/19/2007 12:33 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

Nice or nothing.......and that's fair...I've put my whole being, my whole heart, in my blog, THIS blog, right here..... and I'll be damned if an idiot like you ruins it. I'll sign this right now, PeterN.
Fair enough? SHAPE up or please, respectively, LEAVE....

At 1/19/2007 12:33 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 1/19/2007 12:44 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

I deleted the last comment because it was mine, and misspelled! Bye Trot...sorta sad. WAY!!!!

At 1/19/2007 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss Trot already ...

At 1/19/2007 12:55 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

I do too! And what a treat to hear from you...we had our first inch of snow this AM, and that's it. I was expecting more, but.....have a great weekend Novy. And thanks for being here!!!

At 1/19/2007 12:55 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

I SO mean that...I'll ssshhh for now! Have a great weekend!!!!!!

At 1/19/2007 1:36 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

That's OK!!! Glad to have you here FS.....take care everyone!

At 1/19/2007 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck to Trot. As I've said before, I wish the Sox had shown a bit more loyalty.

At 1/19/2007 1:50 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

Please do NOT misunderstand me, FS..I've known you through ALL your GENDERS...AND YOU ARE WELCOME to be maybe, be nice? Is that possible? If not, you turn into the idiot..the ONLY don't want to be that! I hope????....I have so very little attention span for you. Your baseball comments are GREAT.. why don't you follow them up? I mean, there are so many people who read me.... I do not understand why you just don't become a nice person.....for real!!!!!
And this is signed me, Peter N...and be nice, Caring and shatring...oooppps....Fartshaker......same??

At 1/19/2007 1:55 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

And Sul, great to see you here.. Happy Friday, (to you and yours! I'll sign this me....Peter N. (And I hope I spelled it rght I love your blog......PMN.take ae!

At 1/19/2007 2:09 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

OK, re: my last compliment...YES, you've been nice, but ALL of us know about your gender change...75 and 28..male to female?? Reverse that......? c'mon!!!!!... I am trying to be nice. Is that OK????? Hero or villian...your choice.......

Be nice CARING AND SHARING! And I, Peter N, have been a fan......OK???????? Because maybe you should learn to get along......Capise?
Peter N. And that's it for a SPIRIT IN THE NIGHT.........

At 1/19/2007 2:14 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

Do not bullsh*t...go back to Aug 29..............on MY blog.....bye......and that's the EXACT first gender change.....well...I'll leave you to dig your own hole. Take care,...I always tried to be nice.....but you......nooooooooooo! So take care, and I mean that..

At 1/19/2007 2:17 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

And my dear readers, thanks!!! I have been so so so fed up! Enjoy your weekend...I'll never leave you..and that's a promise......Peter..........

At 1/19/2007 2:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm confused ...

At 1/19/2007 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

FartShaker Person -

What Peter is referring to is:

The username CARINGANDSHARING brings up you ... so you have changed your name -

I doubt you would have signed onto someone else's account due to the fact that a password is needed ... I find this highly unlikely.

So, what I don't understand from you, FartShake, is if the author of this blog wishes you not to return, why can't you respect his wishes ? Why is that so difficult for you to grasp ?

I don't mean to get defensive in the least, but I find it rather annoying that I have to come here and read your crap and the little fights you start ... you KNOW your comments are going to aggravate him, so just leave well enough alone.

At 1/19/2007 3:27 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

Thanks Novy......this makes me so sad, and so happy at the same time!

At 1/19/2007 3:30 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

Maybe he will understand.........thanks Nov......

At 1/19/2007 3:30 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

Maybe he will understand.........thanks Nov......

At 1/19/2007 3:30 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

Maybe he will understand.........thanks Nov......

At 1/19/2007 3:32 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

And I'm sorry the duplicate post.........FS...or Caring and Sharing.....

At 1/19/2007 3:36 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

I don't want to argue...but EVERYONE knows you...get it?????? 75 year old woman and a 28 year old guy....Caring and Sharing and see? Be well...try to get along with us..or LEAVE!!!!!! And that's me being nice!!!!!!

At 1/19/2007 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right here FartShaker ...

"Good riddance! "

Knowing your pathetic comment would upset THE AUTHOR OF THIS BLOG ... it's ridiculous.

I didn't stoop to call names, but you just referred to me as short bus - and said we are members of the tardfarm ... WTH is that about ? What is nice about your comments ? You state you have been nothing but POLITE ... I have yet to see this.

Go back to SOSH and leave your comments there ... as you state, they all feel the exact same way you do in regards to baseball. I disagree with this, being a member myself. However, here, they don't share your point of view ...

At 1/19/2007 3:47 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

OK, do not have a leg to stand on......just why not be nice and...and.....and.....LEAVE!! We all know who you are...I never wanted to remember ALL the time, the minutes, the days I've spent making my blog the best that it can be, and get OUT, maybe like NOW.......Fair enough????? Because you cannot spoil it. I am finished...if you want to be all you can be, just leave! PLEASE!?????

At 1/19/2007 3:49 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

And if you EVER talk to Novy again like that...well, don't you many of us want you to go! I said that politely, but do not count on politeness much more. She is my best Well......BYE!!!!!

At 1/19/2007 3:51 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

And you said the F word...delete city......

At 1/19/2007 3:51 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

And you said the F word...delete city......

At 1/19/2007 3:51 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

And you said the F word...delete city......

At 1/19/2007 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

he used ***'s ... i don't believe he spelt the word out ...

At 1/19/2007 4:10 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

Novy, thank so so much........I just hope he picks on someone else's blog...obviously he cannot write one of his own....I appreciate you so much. And I mean that. I do, A.

Thank you so much...obviously that person does not know I lost a family member. I have to go...I'll never forget you! I never could! Peter. Always your fan.....forever.

At 1/19/2007 4:13 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

And thanks "Caring and Sharing." Don't you know we ALL know who you are?
I tried my best to be nice, but you are on enemy territory....leave my blog, and my Novy, ALONE!!!!!!!!!
THAT's IT!!!!!!!

At 1/19/2007 4:16 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

I have to go to tend to my Mom.......thanks Nov.......I am so happy you're there.....sorry to involve you in something this nonsensical.. Peter

At 1/19/2007 4:21 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

Bye see, Novy...I will protect her with my life...and you should be gone way soon. Why? I've tried to placate you, and I've tried to be soooo nice. are HERE...MY BLOG....and....well, isn't that enough?
I could give up everything about you...but I'm too nice a person...Wouldn't you rather just bow out and go?????? Up to you......I hope this is goodbye forever, 75 year old woman or 28 year old man. Take care .......forever..

At 1/19/2007 4:23 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

And now I have to go........

At 1/19/2007 4:25 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

You've ALREADY been reported to be nice and say or woman...which..Does not matter...fool fits!!!!!

At 1/19/2007 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


*so busted*

trot leaving: ineviteable

long live the reign of wily mo

At 1/19/2007 4:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Trot going to be a starter in CLE?

I'm really going to miss him- man, what a great player, great guy, and a huge part of this organization.

Wish we had kept him. Hope Drew can be even half the player he was.

Thanks, Trot.

At 1/19/2007 4:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hope Drew can be even half the player he was."

i hardly think jd drew could keep up with the bizzro world injuries trot had. i was at the "clement got hit in the head" game in tampa. trot pulled his ass muscle from NOT SWINGING at a pitch

that's gotta be a record

At 1/19/2007 4:39 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

We will ALL miss Trot!

At 1/19/2007 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, definitely- looking forward to that May 28th game, when he first comes back. He'll probably bring the house down.

At 1/19/2007 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, obviously we ALL (w'all?) wont miss him. Frankly, im gonna enjot wily mo pena. at least he wont get injured on his way to the game whilst driving

At 1/19/2007 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Peter, Tom here. Hope that you're well. Whilst I respect your admiration for Trot I'm sure that you're aware that the name on the front of the shirt is what's important . Yes, Trot's a gamer, but his power has gone and he has never hit lefty pitching well. If the Drew deal does go through then he's an obvious spare part. I think that your dismissal of the awesome potential of Wily Mo in right is certainly short-sighted and possibly somewhat sinister. It might serve you better to attempt debate rather than blankly dismissing dissonant voices as "negative". Just a thought.

At 1/19/2007 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Peter, Tom here. Hope that you're well. Whilst I respect your admiration for Trot I'm sure that you're aware that the name on the front of the shirt is what's important . Yes, Trot's a gamer, but his power has gone and he has never hit lefty pitching well. If the Drew deal does go through then he's an obvious spare part. I think that your dismissal of the awesome potential of Wily Mo in right is certainly short-sighted and possibly somewhat sinister. It might serve you better to attempt debate rather than blankly dismissing dissonant voices as "negative". Just a thought.

At 1/19/2007 4:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Peter, Tom here. Hope that you're well. Whilst I respect your admiration for Trot I'm sure that you're aware that the name on the front of the shirt is what's important . Yes, Trot's a gamer, but his power has gone and he has never hit lefty pitching well. If the Drew deal does go through then he's an obvious spare part. I think that your dismissal of the awesome potential of Wily Mo in right is certainly short-sighted and possibly somewhat sinister. It might serve you better to attempt debate rather than blankly dismissing dissonant voices as "negative". Just a thought.

At 1/19/2007 4:57 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

Tom, I know...but I am a loyal guy and Trot took care of Fenway's rightfield so well....hey, thanks for the great comment...Enjoy your weekend! And come back!!!!!

At 1/19/2007 4:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn tom - are all englishmen that damn reptitive? ;)

At 1/19/2007 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Peter, Tom here. Hope that you're well. Whilst I respect your admiration for Trot I'm sure that you're aware that the name on the front of the shirt is what's important . Yes, Trot's a gamer, but his power has gone and he has never hit lefty pitching well. If the Drew deal does go through then he's an obvious spare part. I think that your dismissal of the awesome potential of Wily Mo in right is certainly short-sighted and possibly somewhat sinister. It might serve you better to attempt debate rather than blankly dismissing dissonant voices as "negative". Just a thought.

At 1/19/2007 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Peter, Tom here. Hope that you're well. Whilst I respect your admiration for Trot I'm sure that you're aware that the name on the front of the shirt is what's important . Yes, Trot's a gamer, but his power has gone and he has never hit lefty pitching well. If the Drew deal does go through then he's an obvious spare part. I think that your dismissal of the awesome potential of Wily Mo in right is certainly short-sighted and possibly somewhat sinister. It might serve you better to attempt debate rather than blankly dismissing dissonant voices as "negative". Just a thought.

At 1/19/2007 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Peter, Tom here. Hope that you're well. Whilst I respect your admiration for Trot I'm sure that you're aware that the name on the front of the shirt is what's important . Yes, Trot's a gamer, but his power has gone and he has never hit lefty pitching well. If the Drew deal does go through then he's an obvious spare part. I think that your dismissal of the awesome potential of Wily Mo in right is certainly short-sighted and possibly somewhat sinister. It might serve you better to attempt debate rather than blankly dismissing dissonant voices as "negative". Just a thought.

At 1/19/2007 5:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

rare factoid: Trot's dad was in the Novy when he trot was very little

At 1/19/2007 5:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Peter, Tom here. Hope that you're well. Whilst I respect your admiration for Trot I'm sure that you're aware that the name on the front of the shirt is what's important . Yes, Trot's a gamer, but his power has gone and he has never hit lefty pitching well. If the Drew deal does go through then he's an obvious spare part. I think that your dismissal of the awesome potential of Wily Mo in right is certainly short-sighted and possibly somewhat sinister. It might serve you better to attempt debate rather than blankly dismissing dissident voices as "negative". Just a thought.

At 1/19/2007 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm gonna miss our Trotter.

And his dirty, dirty hat...

At 1/20/2007 6:34 AM, Blogger Peter N said...

Tom, once is enough. I've seen Wily Mo try to play defense, and I want no part of him when the game is on the line.....but I have accepted the fact that although the team tried to move him, it didn't work out. Frankly, I play better dee than WMP. Thanks for the comments, everyone, with the obvious exception of FS aka Caring and Sharing.

At 1/20/2007 6:45 AM, Blogger Peter N said...

And hi snuck in there at the end. Thanks for too Josh and Trotman, and Novy, and Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom and Tom!!

At 1/20/2007 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

David Murphy would be better in RF:

I saw his MLB Debut & 1st MLB Hit on September 2nd, '06, at Fenway Park, vs the Toronto Blue Jays, on what would've been Jon Lester's Next Start;

No, not Wily No Pena!

At 1/20/2007 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will so miss Trot & his fabled Pine Tarred Cap+his defense:

Where oh wher, have my Idiots Gone!

At 1/20/2007 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice tribute to Trot. He was a good, hard-nosed player for you all...

- Anthony, the Oriole Post

At 1/20/2007 4:04 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

Thanks Anthony!!!! Well said...


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