Friday, February 09, 2007

Wily Mo Pena.......and Diabetes...

First and foremost, thank you Trot 7. My readers....please click on the title of this post. I beg you. It means so much to me. And T7, thank you so much. George Bush might be oblivious to all of the stem cell cures that are right here, right now, but I'm not!... And Wily Mo Pena is trying to do something for those of us who are too familiar with diabetes. My type one, or others with the less serious type 2. So please, PLEASE, read the article by clicking on this post's title....and again..thank you are a life saver! I'm so proud of you. I really am!!!!!!!! Peter



At 2/09/2007 1:02 PM, Blogger Bosox Fan in Wichita said...

Very nice exposure with hopes & possibly help for us.

At 2/09/2007 4:14 PM, Blogger Kevin Scalley said...

Very nice!
I have been type 1 diabetic since 1975 and have same Dr. at Joslin Clinic for same amount of time. He is like a father to me!


At 2/09/2007 4:24 PM, Blogger Royal Rooters said...

Great to hear that Wily Mo's doing something like this.

At 2/09/2007 5:24 PM, Blogger KAYLEE said...

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At 2/09/2007 5:24 PM, Blogger KAYLEE said...

I know I have kept this a secret for a while but,I do have type 1 diabetes.It runs in my family so I have had it since I was little.But,I am very relucant to go to the nurse at school and check my blood sugar for some reason.ANYWAYs,It is great to see Wily Mo something like this.:)

At 2/09/2007 5:26 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

FB, wow...I've only been diagnosed since '04......still 5 finger sticks and 4 shots per day, but I'm not complaining!! And thanks, my brother! Kaylee, hii...Mike, I agree....

At 2/09/2007 5:32 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

K, you CAN'T KEEP it a secret, not with type one. Hasn't the doc. said you have to take your blood sugar EVERY day? Type 1 means your body ( at least mine) does not make any insulin at all!
I have to go...back tomorrow.....and no secrets from doctors!!!!

At 2/09/2007 5:33 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

I hope you have type two, or Kaylee, don't harm yourself by not being aware of your blood sugar. Type One can be deadly. It IS.

At 2/09/2007 5:35 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

And FB, thanks again. I mean it! We share something. You too T7, for bringing this to my attention. Oh well, dinner, a shot, and treadmill!!! See you all tomorrow.

At 2/09/2007 5:35 PM, Blogger KAYLEE said...

No,I meant from everybody else The doctor of course knows.AND YES I have been down that road many times with the Doctor.I do take it every day several times a day usally I just dont always check it as much as I should.

At 2/09/2007 5:41 PM, Blogger Bosox Fan in Wichita said...

Hurray for you, fenway blogger. I'm glad to hear that a type 1 diabetic can survive more than 30 years as I've been on insulin for about 10 years. With not only the effects of high blood sugar, but we have to worry about high blood pressure, cholesterol and heart problems. I am always concerned about how much the disease will shorten my life. So, I always appreciate hearing about survivors and people like Wily Mo.
Peter & Kaylee, keep on trying your best to keep on top of it ... I am too.

At 2/09/2007 6:00 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

You see, this is more of a family than ever! Good news Kaylee, stay strong FB, and BFW, you're the best! With all the shots and finger sticks, my average blood sugar for the last year has been 92. And the year before that! 0A heck of a lot of excersise with proper eating and stuff. And that also allows me to maintain my 175 pound weight.
Good night everyone, and as always, you are THE BEST!!!!!!!! Ever!

At 2/09/2007 11:19 PM, Blogger Kevin Scalley said...

92 average is fantastic. I am sure you are aware a "normal" person without diabetes is about 60-80 to 120.

My Dr. of thirty years at Joslin in Boston was expert witness in Claus Von Bulow trial years ago.

I have been hard on WMP-I have new respect for him now!

Maybe we should all start a diabetics blog!!

It's late I'm signing off!!

At 2/09/2007 11:26 PM, Blogger Katiee said...

Thats awesome I have a newfound respect for Wily Mo also because there are so many people batteling this disease including atleast 10 that i know so god bless him and you

At 2/10/2007 6:40 AM, Blogger Peter N said...

FB, I too have been tough on WMP, but no more. And my doctor who I see every three months for diabetes say my blood sugar average levels have been the same as someone without the disease. It's a lot of work, but we can do it! Thanks everyone! See you on the weekend!!!

At 2/10/2007 5:09 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

And hi Katiee!!!


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