Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Virginia Tech Horror. As Written By The Hartford Courant's, and Our VERY Own Jeff Jacobs

Please click on the title of this post. Just as soon as you read my very few words here. Please. Easy reading? NO. Never. Life is seldom easy, but when it is, well, that's the best. Jeff Jacobs, sports columnist supreme for our very own Hartford Courant, wrote a PAGE 1 piece today, Wednesday, April 18th. And as we all still shudder and grieve with tears and heartbreak for the souls lost in the senseless shooting, Jeff Jacobs makes us understand, with tough and honest words. And I'm thankful. Read his piece by clicking on the title. And no, for the first time, I will NOT be back with a comment. His words say everything. More than everything.
Senseless, heartless, so sad an act of a deranged mind. Please, my readers, for me, click on the title and read Jeff's column. And your comments are so welcome. So go ahead and click. His words will touch your heart, just as they touched mine. Thanks. And thank you Jeff. You have a gift, and we are so lucky to be able to read your thoughts. For they are ours.
And remember my friends, it's OK to cry. I did when I read this. So go right ahead...tears are a part of life. And so is Jeff Jacobs. For a very long time. Forever, for me. For all of us.


At 4/18/2007 6:58 PM, Blogger Beazer said...

This has hit very close to home for my family. One of our nephews attends Virginia Tech and was there in the midst of it. Thankfully, he's home with his parents now, but it isn't something he or we will soon forget.

My prayers go out to everyone touched by this tragedy.

At 4/19/2007 6:58 AM, Blogger Peter N said...

As do mine. And thank God your nephew is home, safe and with his loved ones. I was touched by the Jacobs piece.


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