Wednesday, August 08, 2007

MUST Reading.......

Steve Buckley of the Boston Herald wrote a wonderful article about the great Henry Aaron, and Barry Bonds' pursuit of his record. Please, PLEASE click on the title of this post and read it. You will be so glad you did. I promise. Thanks go out to Cyn of Red Sox Chick (link on your right) for steering me to this memorable and remarkable look at baseball history. Now, click!!


At 8/08/2007 8:06 PM, Blogger Kristin said...

Hi Peter! Thanks for the link to the great article. Let's go Sox tonight...we need a win!

At 8/08/2007 10:32 PM, Blogger Middle Relief said...

I hate that ESPN and the ilk are trying to say Bonds is the greatest of All-Time - In my humble view he's not, I made a list, but, seriously, does anyone outside of the fair weather fans of San Fran think he's the greatest of all-time??

On a more important note, I think the next three weeks will determine who'll be playing or watching come October.

At 8/09/2007 6:30 AM, Blogger Peter N said...

Hi are welcome! And hi to you MR...your Yankees are playing lights out, but if the Sox can score 4 runs or so a game, they won't be caught. But I know....that's a BIG "but."
Thanks to both of you for your comments. And MR, it'll come down to the end of September...what do I think? The Yanks AND the Sox will be in the post season, one by winning the AL East, and the other by winning the Wild Card. Sound familiar? See ya!


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