Friday, November 16, 2007

Red Sox International Speaks!

I have a blog friend who goes by the name of Superbowl. He is a super blogger from Tokyo who reads my blog, as well as the Boston sports pages, every day. In fact, his blog is listed on my link list, under "Japan's Superbowl Blog." It's mostly in Japanese, but you can tell how much he and his friends love the Red Sox. Here's an email I received last night...short but sweet....

"Hello Peter san. This is Superbowl
I'm sorry that I wrote too soon last mail.
I have seen that Sox trip to JAPAN doesn't mean a good news for RSN fans and even for players.
Please forgive my regardlessness.

Still RSN Int'l

Peter here, and he was reacting to the inconvenience and time zone suffering that our Sox will go through. I assured him that the joy brought to Japan and its baseball fans more than offset the minor inconvience to the team and the more major heartache for those who thrive on visiting Fort Myers for a little taste of spring training. He and his friends are all huge Sox lovers, and his blog was even written up in the Boston Globe. And he was instrumental in spreading the word about Hideki Okajima's nickname, "the Darkman." The nic caught on there more than it did here, but it just goes to show you...we're all the same when it comes to the love of this game of baseball. Thank you, Superbowl san. Thank you Red Sox International. And of course, Red Sox Nation. And this is his reply, just recieved......

"Thank you for your email and latest blog post.
I was very impressed by your words "we're all the same"
It's enough for every Sox fan in Japan and all around the world.
Thanks again Peter-san !"

Well said, my friend. You made me very happy with your thoughtful words!


At 11/16/2007 10:29 AM, Blogger Ian said...

It just shows you how respectful the Japanese really are.

Keep up your good work Superbowl-san

At 11/16/2007 1:12 PM, Blogger Peter N said...

And that's Ian speaking! Thanks I.


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