Tuesday, November 06, 2007

YOUKKKKKK!!! More Great Tuesday News!!!!

"Kevin Youkilis was awarded the Gold Glove as the American League's best fielding first baseman today. Youkilis becomes the first Red Sox first baseman to win the award since George "Boomer" Scott, who won his last Gold Glove in 1971. Youkilis was the only Red Sox to win a Gold Glove this year."

Peter here, and what a trifecta of great news on this magic Tuesday. Congrats to the "error-free" man of our infield, KEVIN YOUKILIS. We love you!


At 11/06/2007 5:18 PM, Blogger Ian said...

Of course had I refreshed the page from earlier, I would have seen that you posted it.

A very well deserved honor for Youk..

Theo, sign Mikey Lowell!!!!

At 11/06/2007 6:15 PM, Blogger laura said...

I want to know where Lowell's Gold Glove is but since he already has one, it is very nice to see Youkilis get one--he did deserve it this year for sure!

At 11/07/2007 6:33 AM, Blogger Peter N said...

Ian, right you are. Laura, Mikey had too many errors at 3rd to be in the mix, but in our hearts, we know he's the best, and batting .324 doesn't hurt a bit, either!
Thank you, both, for never leaving and always reading. Tuesday was a great day for our Sox. With MANY MORE to come. And that's just SO great!!!!!


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