Did You See AROD on 60 Minutes?
Good Monday morning, a wickedly cold one here in north central Connecticut. Katie Couric interviewed Alex Rodriguez on the CBS show "60 Minutes" last night, and I thought it was a balanced interview with fair questions abounding. AROD came off as ALMOST likeable, and I think, for the most part, he was honest. Katie Couric? She has always irritated me, for some reason or reasons, but those are not important. Not here and not now. If you missed it, you can catch the entire interview online. The 21st century has brought that capability. Click on the title of this post. I found the exact link, and I'll remind you later!
On the same subject, former Red Sox Brendan Donnelly, whose option was declined by the Sox the day before the Mitchell report was released, said this after being one of those fools named in the report....
"Former Red Sox reliever Brendan Donnelly denied claims in the Mitchell Report that he used performance-enhancing drugs. In the report, the culmination of a 20-month investigation into steroid use in baseball that was released Thursday, former Mets clubhouse attendant Kirk Radomski recalled that Donnelly called him in 2004 looking for Anavar, an anabolic steroid. The report said Radomski made one sale to Donnelly of Deca-Durabolin for which Donnelly paid $250 to $300. In a statement, Donnelly acknowledges calling Radomski to discuss Anavar in 2004, when the pitcher was injured. "Upon learning that Anavar was classified as a steroid, I realized that was not an option," Donnelly said. "That was the end of it. Yes, I called him. But I did not purchase or receive anything from him. I never took Deca or Anavar."
Peter here, and Brendan, "never" is a strong word, but in this country you're innocent until proven guilty....so I believe you. Good luck to you and I hope you recover fully from the "Tommy John" procedure. Many other pitchers have, but it's an intricate and tricky operation.
Click on the title for the above mentioned "60 Minutes" AROD interview with Katie Couric. A dial up connection might not make it easy to see and listen to without break-ups and stutteringly still moments. But I enjoyed it....click on the title, and right there, front and center, click on the AROD interview.
I hope every one of you has a great Monday. Congrats to the Patriots, to the UCONN men, and to the number two in the country UCONN women, who play tonight against 7-2 South Carolina, the first game since their exam break. Be well and be safe. Have a great week, a week that's just an appetizer leading up to Tuesday's Christmas Day. Ho ho ho!!
Yes, he did well for himself, didn't he? I was also shocked at how BIG he is, especially next to those two little women.
These were the types of interviews Katie Couric was born to do. She's just not a hard-news woman.
I know, but there's something about her...I did enjoy the entire inteview! Stay warm...Peter
But that's the point....she's NEVER been a "hard-newswoman." Not worthy of 60 Minutes headlining...just a personal opinion......thanks again.
He didn't answer the questions she posed, and she didn't pose any hard-hitting questions.
I was under-whelmed, to say the least.
And is there any baseball fan who really believes he didn't know when the news of his opting-out was going to be released? I certainly didn't. Dude can tell a lie as good as anyone.
Hi, Pete! Busy, not a lot of time to read and post, but the topic [from Sean, a Red Sox fan] concerned Hall of Fame eligibility, and here is what I had to say about that:
"Thank you, Sean, I appreciate the kind words :-)
The Hall is not one conscious thought process, but more of a collection. There is no rhyme nor reason, really. Jim Rice is not in, but Ted Williams was also rude to reporters. Of course, Ted was one of the handful of best hitters, ever, so maybe he was past the point of debate? In such case, where is the line of no debate? Rice was feared, no doubt about that. Rice put up some monstrous numbers - should he be in The Hall?
Pete Rose is currently banned. Should he be in? I say that he is past the line of doubt: meaning, his numbers alone are good enough to get him in. His gambling is not really the issue here, but the integrity of the game. He consorted with big money gamblers, and there might have been cause for him to negatively affect outcomes. Here's my take on this: Cooperstown is about recognition. Pete had over 4000 hits. He belongs in the Hall of Fame. He consorted with shady figures who might have had an interest in "affecting" performances. For that, he has been banned from participating in the game, and rightfully so.
Since we are discussing the distinction between being banned from the game and entry into the Hall of Fame, let's add one additional tragic figure: "Shoeless" Joe Jackson. He consorted to a far lesser degree than Pete. Indeed, he knew of the World Series fixing in 1919 in advance, but did not come out and report it. Reckon he feared for his well-being? Joe Jackson has paid his dues. He belongs in the Hall of Fame.
The Hall is about awareness. Pete and Shoeless Joe had major roles to play in the baseball of their times. They belong in. The Hall should have a display near their plaques, educating visitors about their controversy. Why was Jackson banned? Why was Rose controversial? The Hall is about awareness. They belong in.
Barroid? Big Mac? Swingin', Sneezin' Sammy? Same thing applies here. They did what they did. The Hall is about awareness. They belong in, along with the display of education, letting us know about them and their deeds. To not put the 5 players I have mentioned into the Hall of Fame is as though MLB has its head buried in the sand. Doesn't work too well for ostriches, either."
Merry Christmas, everyone; hope y'all have a happy holiday season!
Beaz, I agree it was a powder-puff parade of questions. And I know he didn't learn the news of his opt-out on TV, just like everyone else did. Thanks Beaz.
Charles, well written and said. I think if Jim Ed didn't leave the game when he had so much left, the main reason, believe it or not, being his nearsightedness, he would have a better induction chance. He should already be in there, in my opinion. IN
As for Rose, he played with the rules, and is still now paying for that stupidness. As he should be. OUT
And JJ Joe Jackson....he didn't know what he was doing, and the color of his skin, at that time in American history, put him in an impossible position to begin with. IN
Thank you so much for the wonderful comments. Sorry it took me until Tuesday morning, all 6 degrees of it, to respond.
And now down to 5 degrees F. The sun is peeking over the horizon, almost reluctant in its methodical pace.
I used to despise winters in Michigan - never fond of cold, but the continual greyness was much too glum for my liking. My ancestors may have been Scots and Swedes, but there's a REASON they left those lands ;-)
Thank you for the kind words, my friend, and stay warm, eh?
I'll try, Charles...
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