As The Rocket Burns...
Due to fluttering on and off power, what with the rain falling and the temperature slowly climbing towards the freezing mark (finally!), I have to make this post a short one. But this morning, Roger Clemens and Bill McNamee appear before the Congressional hearings, and this is in the wake of Andy Pettitte's possibly damning comments about the sputtering Rocket come to light. This is from the AP...
"Roger Clemens told Yankees teammate Andy Pettitte nearly 10 years ago that he used human growth hormone, Pettitte said in a sworn affidavit to Congress, the Associated Press learned Tuesday.
Pettitte disclosed the conversation to the congressional committee holding today's hearings, a person familiar with the affidavit said on condition of anonymity. According to that source, Pettitte also said Clemens backtracked when the subject of HGH came up again in conversation in 2005.
Pettitte said in the affidavit that he asked Clemens in 2005 what he would do if asked by the media about HGH, given his admission years earlier. Clemens responded by saying Pettitte misunderstood the previous exchange in 1999 or 2000 and that, in fact, Clemens had been talking about HGH use by his wife."
Peter here, just for this quick comment. Roger seems to me to be starting to speak "doubletalk." The hearings will be televised on ESPN beginning at 9:30 AM EST. And I can't wait! I hope I won't have to listen to it on the battery powered radio instead of on cable TV. But those "power gods" rule, I guess. Thanks for stopping in, and have a great Hump Day. I'm so brief because I want to get this up on my blog before the power flutters yet again. Be well. And no fluttering, Mr. Electricity!!
It's cold and icy in NE, Peter, but just remember that SPRING STARTS TOMORROW!
I know, Lisa....better there than here in our cold northeast!
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