Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Harsh Words, And NOT Just For Roger...

I'm still watching the live Congressional Hearings on ESPN at 11:50 am EST, and, as I said in my last post (just below), the harsh words have also been directed to Mr. McNamee. He has repeatedly been called a liar in his previous UNDER OATH comments. Just minutes ago. This is drama, with no need for the still striking TV writers. NOT AT ALL. One word...WOW!


At 2/13/2008 12:25 PM, Blogger Ian said...

TV writers strike is over as of today just to let you know.

This is some good stuff though. You have to wonder if Roger's grandstanding with the politicians helped him with that one guy.

I do agree though that this is must-see TV.

At 2/13/2008 8:40 PM, Blogger Gerry said...

Now THAT was reality television!

At 2/14/2008 1:43 AM, Blogger redsox.njdevils said...

I missed the entire thing because I was school all day. I guess I'll have to watch a recap of it on Sports Center tommorow morning or find it on YouTube.
Or, better yet, I can read a summary of it here, which I'm sure you'll have tommorow morning!

At 2/14/2008 6:51 AM, Blogger Peter N said...

Ian, I heard about the end of the strike. Thanks! New shows are a possibility.

Gerry, wow...I KNEW you watched all or a part of the hearings. I wrote about it this Thursday morning.

Brittany, there IS a terrific article linked to my Thursday morning on the title. Jeff Jacobs is a great sportswriter!

Hey, thanks for the comments. very one of you!

At 2/14/2008 6:52 AM, Blogger Peter N said...

Of course, I meant EVERY one of you...


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